Tuesday, May 10, 2016

frequently asked questions


For this post, I decided to touch up on some frequently asked questions about lucid dreaming. One question people seem to ask is, "How do I change the Scenery around me in a lucid dream?" According to this article, you imagine a door or portal and simply step through to another dimension of your choice. In my opinion, the techniques described are easier said than done. Obviously, the author has experienced lucid dreams and knows how to trigger certain things. For a beginner, I would not recommend turning to this site for guidance. I would site this source as credible because of the author's profession in lucid dreaming. One question most people have when experimenting with lucid dreaming is, "Does lucid dreaming make you tired?" The answer to this question is no. If you are a natural lucid dreamer, these dreams simply replace your regular dreams. Your body gets the same amount of sleep either way. From all the articles I have come across while writing this blog, lucid dreaming is not harmful in any way. This is backed up with facts and statistics throughout this particular article. Personally, lucid dreaming does not come easily to me and I have to put in the extra effort to trigger a lucid dream. In this passage, the author answers questions that are often brought up by people that want to experience lucid dreaming. Overall, I believe that this is a very informational article, and I would use it to gather information for any future research report.

I love this picture because it shows the amount of creativity and imagination that someone can put into lucid dreaming. I also love that it shows a little boy, which to me, indicates that lucid dreaming doesn't require an age level, it's for everyone to experience. 

Turner, Rebecca. "The Official Lucid Dreaming FAQ." The Official Lucid Dreaming FAQ. World of Lucid Dreaming, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016.

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