Friday, May 20, 2016

advanced lucid dreaming techniques

click this to watch an informational video on advanced lucid dreaming and also some cool facts about lucid dreaming!

I came across this article while researching lucid dreaming techniques. This article is for someone who has already experienced a lucid dream but wishes to refine their skills. While reading this, it seemed a little dramatic. What I mean is that, when they mention supplements you can take to enhance your dreams, I believe that's too much. Like the saying goes, "practice makes perfect". However this article is being too complicated and it seems like it would require a lot more dedication and effort. If I were an advanced lucid dreamer, I would not follow every guideline listed on this page, but rather practice to improve. I would not necessarily list this site as credible because there is not any proof that any of these techniques even work. I'm glad I learned some tricks that advanced dreamers are using, I would just not lean towards these extreme measures. 

this is an example of a lucid dreaming supplement 

"Advanced Lucid Dreaming Techniques." High Existence Site Wide Activity RSS. HighExistence, 11 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 May 2016.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

personal stories

For this post, I researched personal stories shared by lucid dreamers. Although I believe this information  would not be included in a formal research paper, I thought it would be interesting to read different lucid dreaming experiences. While reading these dories, I really enjoyed seeing what someone could accomplish in their dreams. Seeing the amount of imagination and creativity that these people were able to experience is so exciting. As I have said before, I have never had a lucid dream myself, but reading these stories have really sparked an interest in achieving this. These stories were so fun and interesting to read. I would not use this source in a research paper because of the lack of solid information and proof, but I really did enjoy experiencing these people's lucid dreams.

click this to listen to someones lucid dreaming story
I really really enjoyed this video because I was able to experience someone else's imagination. The comments on this video are so uplifting and I was constantly intrigues by his experience. 

"A Collection of Lucid Dreaming Stories." A Collection of Lucid Dreaming Stories. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

lucid dreaming tips

In this post, the author gives tips for someone who wants to lucid dream. From reading this article, I learned that increasing your melatonin levels will help you be able to lucid dream. The author recommends ways to sleep and eat in order to increase a person's chances of having a lucid dream. After presenting each tip, they explain what that means and how it will help. This article suggests determining a regular sleep schedule, and sleeping in complete darkness. The point of these tips is to increase your melatonin levels. Comparing this article to other lucid dreaming articles I have read, they all suggest that you recall your dreams right after you wake up and record them in a journal. Also, most lucid dreaming experts suggest massaging your head or meditating before going to bed in order to relax your body. One thing from this site that I have not previously seen while doing research is the foods you can eat in order to increase your body's amount of melatonin. I enjoyed the information from this site because it is very informative and easy to understand. I would use this site as a reference when writing my own research paper. 

"Lucid Dreaming - 7 Tricks You Didn't Know!" Social Consciousness. N.p., 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 May 2016.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

frequently asked questions

For this post, I decided to touch up on some frequently asked questions about lucid dreaming. One question people seem to ask is, "How do I change the Scenery around me in a lucid dream?" According to this article, you imagine a door or portal and simply step through to another dimension of your choice. In my opinion, the techniques described are easier said than done. Obviously, the author has experienced lucid dreams and knows how to trigger certain things. For a beginner, I would not recommend turning to this site for guidance. I would site this source as credible because of the author's profession in lucid dreaming. One question most people have when experimenting with lucid dreaming is, "Does lucid dreaming make you tired?" The answer to this question is no. If you are a natural lucid dreamer, these dreams simply replace your regular dreams. Your body gets the same amount of sleep either way. From all the articles I have come across while writing this blog, lucid dreaming is not harmful in any way. This is backed up with facts and statistics throughout this particular article. Personally, lucid dreaming does not come easily to me and I have to put in the extra effort to trigger a lucid dream. In this passage, the author answers questions that are often brought up by people that want to experience lucid dreaming. Overall, I believe that this is a very informational article, and I would use it to gather information for any future research report.

I love this picture because it shows the amount of creativity and imagination that someone can put into lucid dreaming. I also love that it shows a little boy, which to me, indicates that lucid dreaming doesn't require an age level, it's for everyone to experience. 

Turner, Rebecca. "The Official Lucid Dreaming FAQ." The Official Lucid Dreaming FAQ. World of Lucid Dreaming, n.d. Web. 10 May 2016.

Friday, May 6, 2016

facts about lucid dreaming

This is my favorite quote that I came across while researching lucid dreaming. 

For this blog post, I decided to research some interesting facts about lucid dreaming. In this article from, it lists 10 cool facts about lucid dreaming. I read that lucid dreaming was first recorded a long time ago by ancient Egyptians in their hieroglyphics. I thought this was interesting because they didn't directly record their experiences of lucid dreaming, they drew pictures of their spiritual beliefs and historians interpret those images as lucid dreams. I also found it interesting that 1 in 5 people lucid dream every month. I find it fascinating that so many people experience this phenomenon regularly. While reading this article, I realized that it is more about this person's personal experience rather than a general description. I also discovered that meditating is a great way to begin the path of lucid dreaming, and that Buddhists use lucid dreaming on their path to enlightenment. I think it's amazing that so many people of different kinds use lucid dreaming to help them with every day things. One statistic that I really found interesting was that while doing a survey, 50% of people had experienced a lucid dream at least one time in their life. Although I found aspects of this article really interesting. because of its personal point of view and other facts, I wouldn't necessarily use it as a credible source for an essay.

click this to learn cool facts about lucid dreaming!
This video was entertaining and cute to watch, I highly recommend this video if you want to learn cool facts about lucid dreaming. 

Turner, Rebecca. "10 Things You Didn't Know About Lucid Dreaming." 10 Things You Didn't Know About Lucid Dreaming. Web. 06 May 2016.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

statistics involved with lucid dreaming

While doing further research on lucid dreaming, i came across this article. This whole article is about the phycological studies that have been done during conscious REM sleep. While reading this article, I noticed a good amount of detail and credible resources that this doctor used to strengthen his research. I would use this site as a credible source due to the amount of statistics and facts the author used. One thing I discovered in this article that I hadn't previously known is that some people believe they don't exist and are even crazy. However, evidence was found that showed signs of lucid dreaming occurring during REM sleep. What this author writes about throughout the article is basically the statistics involved with experiments having to do with the frequency of lucid dreams during everyday sleep. One flaw I found within this paper was the amount of receptiveness. Facts were repeated which quickly lost my interest and the amount of numbers that were included in the readings lost my interest and became slightly confusing.

This is some music that you can play while sleeping to help induce a lucid dream. While listening to a short clip of this, I felt very relaxed and calm. I might try this to help myself experience a lucid dream!

LaBerge, Stephen, Ph.D. "Psychophysiology of Lucid Dreaming." Psychophysiology of Lucid Dreaming. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016.

Friday, April 29, 2016

how to lucid dream part 2

For this post, I decided to do more research on how to lucid dream. I stumbled upon this website that claims to help someone lucid dream in a few easy steps. This site claims to have information that will induce your first lucid dream quickly. At the beginning of this article, they state that lucid dreaming is in no way dangerous, however it may be emotionally shocking because you experience and see things that you may not be prepared for. it is recommended that you clean your room and make sure that no light will come through from the windows, or from a computer screen throughout the night. They mention a method in which you set an alarm before normal and wake up your mind then go back to bed. In my opinion, this method doesn't make the most sense to me. Reading on, just like the last article, they recommend doing research on lucid dreaming and performing many reality checks throughout the day. Doing this will enhance you ability to determine what is real life so that later in your dreams, you'll know it is a dream. Something new I came across was pushing one finger into the palm of your other hand many times throughout the day. Step 3 says to turn off all you electronics one hour before going to sleep because you want to make yourself sleepy to ensure falling asleep fast. It is also suggested to turn down the lights and relax or meditate before bed. The last step is to wake up your mind but not your body when your alarm goes off. They describe this feeling as if you're feeling your body shutting off and going back to sleep, but your mind is still aware of what is happening. A lucid dream will occur when your body shuts down but your mind is wide awake. You will be able to control your dreams and everything that occurs within them. Overall, this site had some interesting pointers that I haven't previously heard of. Due to the lack of publishing information and ethos, I wouldn't necessarily consider this to be a reliable source. I have yet to find a reliable source that gives a lot of information about this subject. I have a feeling finding a source that is reliable is going to be difficult due to the fact that lucid dreaming is still somewhat mysterious, and scientists are still exploring it. 

click this to see how to lucid dream, and to learn more about lucid dreaming. 
I really enjoyed this video because it was very informative and helpful to my research. 

"How To Lucid Dream Tonight! (The Best Guide)." How To Lucid Dream. 2014. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

how to lucid dream for beginners

As I have already researched the basics of lucid dreaming, the next step was to learn how to participate in it. I searched "How to lucid dream for beginners" and I chose this site because of its dedication to lucid dreaming. According to this article, there are five steps every beginner should know before attempting to lucid dream. The first step is to improve your dream recall. What this means is that you repeat to yourself throughout the day that you will remember your dreams. What this will accomplish is your determination to complete this task later that night. They encourage you to start recording all your dreams in a journal so that you can go back and remember what your dreams were like. Personally, I feel like this is a very simple step that would get you on the right path towards lucid dreaming. The second step is to perform reality checks, to remind yourself every day that this is real life so that while you're dreaming, you can comprehend that it is a dream. Again, another simple task that you can do at any time during the day. The third step is to learn how to meditate. I don't believe that this is a necessary step in the process of lucid dreaming because it can sometimes cause hallucinations and be a potentially dangerous. Step four is to study lucid dreaming. This will help you understand the process in a more detailed way and help you to becoming a regular lucid dreamer. The last step that is listed in this article is to use technology to help induce a lucid dream. I wouldn't try this only because I don't fully understand the outcomes of using technology and it could owe a possible threat to me. Overall I believe this article helped explain some basic techniques that someone could use to induce a lucid dream. However, I do not believe that this article was detailed enough to be extremely helpful to a beginner who just wants to experience one lucid dream.

I thought this was a cute any funny picture depicting a person's thought process during their first lucid dream (:

Turner, Rebecca. "Easy Lucid Dreaming: 5 Steps to Having Lucid Dreams." Easy Lucid Dreaming: 5 Steps to Having Lucid Dreams. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Friday, April 22, 2016

lucid dreaming and its dangers

After reviewing the basics of lucid dreaming and what it is, I decided to research the possible dangers that lucid dreaming has. According to this article, lucid dreaming can pose a very small threat to one that attempts it. A person may have trouble distinguishing between what happened in a dream, versus what actually happened in real life. I feel that this is a very logical and credible threat because of the detail and accuracy in a lucid dream. One suggestion is to record each of your lucid dreams in a dream journal in order to go back and check whether something happened in a dream or not. I personally would love to keep a detailed journal of my dreams so that I could go back and relive each dream. Another danger to dreaming is becoming too addicted to it. I, personally, don't believe that this is dangerous, however, in this article they state that a lucid dreamer would want to wake up later or sleep earlier to continue a dream. This also states that it might be dangerous from a social aspect and people would make fun of you for lucid dreaming. I don't pose this as a real danger, as more and more people are becoming interested in this phenomenon. Overall, this site provided me with information I hadn't previously known, but I wouldn't use it as a credible source when writing a professional research paper.

click this  to watch a video on the dangers of lucid dreaming

"Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous?" How To Lucid Dream. 2014. Web.

Monday, April 18, 2016

exploring lucid dreaming

After typing "lucid dreaming" into Google, this is the first link I decided to click on. This seemed like a credible source because it was written by a psychologist that specializes in dreaming. I read information that I had known from previous research and had also come across some facts that I didn't know. Ever since I first heard the term lucid dreaming, it has spaced my interest and i always want to learn more about it, and how I could possibly experience it. After reading some personal experiences from random people, it seems a little dangerous but something in me wants to experience what it is like to be able to have control over what is happening in my dreams. The idea of being able to experience things that aren't humanly possible sounds so amazing to be and I want to test my boundaries and try adventurous things, even if it's only in my sleep. According to this article, people that participate in lucid dreaming are more alert and aware during the day which could be beneficial. Personally, I've attempted to have my own lucid dreams, but have been unsuccessful. I stumbled across a phase I hadn't previously heard of before; mutual dreaming. It seems to be a form of lucid dreaming in which you can meet up with another person in your dreams, and do the impossible together. Both people must be lucid dreaming and you will have had to agree to meet at a designated place. Although this form of dreaming is harder to achieve, it isn't impossible. The woman that wrote this article believes that lucid dreams make her feel more awake and refreshed, while a regular dream is tiring and often depressing. In her opinion, lucid dreaming is not dangerous in the sense that lucid dreamers are aware that they are dreaming and won't attempt anything crazy i real life if they are aware they aren't dreaming.

the science of lucid dreaming !!  This is a cute video that explains the basics of lucid dreaming and how to participate in one.

Brogaard, Berit, D.M.Sci., Ph.D. "Lucid Dreaming and Self-Realization." Psychology Today. 4 Dec. 2012. Web.